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  • 作家相片右痣人生|Bibo

Before I reach a part of life-迷惘前的追尋


New York City, Manhattan, U.S.A.

First time I took up and put down 5 more times that it was I stayed in my town, during the lifespan came and went, I've been learning how to face about my intrinsic value worth of life.

she was a first person I met in Ellicott City.

I want to give me a challenge before I celebrate at the end of the year, all of the friends told me '' I admire your life which is wonderful and intriguing, I hope I can do that as like you'', but what is it you like? What do you want to be?

As you know, I wasn't a big girl who did a big thing and had a big family, I just decided 3 months before leaving and the reason was I felt I was going to lose myself, during that time, I was thinking about my future when I stayed alone at night. I know and I always know that I used to live on someone, now it's time to become individual.

( L: Parents, R: Childhood, Down:Younger brother)

I've been lucky when I need an assistance, friends who inspire me, although my family doesn't want to part with me, they still get my back.

7 months ago, I brought a camera, a bursting backpack, 2 full luggage with many clothes and books, I regretted I didn't buy another 29 inches; thus I had to make a choice what kind of thing did I give up at that 60 seconds.

There had something happened when I was checking in my luggage which was overweight, and I had to an excess baggage charge over 3000 dollars if I didn't take something out.

" What do you put so many books and cosmetics " dad cried.

I wasn't saying anything, because I knew if I replied, we were gonna dispute for over 30 more minutes. It hadn't any choice to think, '' let get rid of books and clothes,'' father, friend, and other friends nodded, but me.

It's felt a big change since we said goodbye to each other. I knew that no TV with my lovely parents every evening, no Argument with co-workers anymore, no my favorite FOOD on the dining table. As they say, I'm an extremely adult now, but whoever does want to be a kid?

We hanged out to enjoy desserts in the mall

Can you imagine I expectedly miss these boring and normally things so much?

Everybody cried, even me, it felt like that we aren't gonna meet together again.

''Thank you for choosing our airline, customers can check in flight board now," I ended up the feeling, my past, and these and those people were nothing to mean with me.

Taiwan - Japan - America

I'm coming, The United States!!

Traditional Market, Taipei, Taiwan

-Wherever you go, you can find your place.-

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